Monday, March 28, 2011

Penny for our thoughts

This weekend we said farewell to one of the crew. Penny had joined us from England while she was here travelling and seeing the country. And for someone as hardworking, pleasant, and just plain awesome as Penny, we couldn't let her go without a little something.

So Ashley snuck out for some ice cream cake while we had one last 'Hurrah' for Penny.

So on Saturday night, they had a little fun & celebrated Penny!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Colour Co-Ordinated

After a brief hiatus due to that dreaded seasonal illness known as The Flu,
we're back again, and ready to show our true colours!

Which, in the case of Bingo Manager Tara Myra & Membership Services Co-Ordinator Deanna Leedham, just happens to be pink.
Hot pink.
Fuschia pink.
Vibrant Pink!
Eye-blinding pink!!

We're wondering if they made that "first day of school" phone call:
What are you wearing today? 
I don't know. What are YOU wearing today??

Friday, March 4, 2011

Shape-Up Ladies!

For our innaugural Shape-Up Challenge, a few of our staff members have decided to participate along with members.

From what we can see, working across from the vending machines has been a test of Michelle & Amanda's willpower!
Stay strong, ladies!